Color Your Patient’s World

How the Right Hues Complement Your Dental Business

Whether remodeling your existing practice or building a new office, choosing the right colors to surround your patients is an important, but often overlooked, detail. In fact, color has been proven to affect behavior and emotions, and using the right design hue can reinforce a positive experience for those who visit.

To help guide the color maze of emotion, W. J. Miller Builders’ interior design expert, Diane Miller, shares some important tips to remember when thinking how to color your patient’s world:

TIP #1

Promote calm with neutrals

Neutrals, including white, beige and grey are calming and not overwhelming. In addition, lighter colors reflect light, making rooms appear warmer and feel airier. Overall, the simpler the design, the more calming it will fell.

TIP #2

Turn to the cool colors of nature

Think about how it feels to gaze at a light blue sky or the deep blue sea. The cool colors of blue or blue greens give a sense of peacefulness and can put people at ease.

Greens that surround us outside are also the easiest on the eyes when brought inside, and can make you feel optimistic and refreshed, in addition to giving a relaxing effect.

TIP #3

Think warm, but with limits

Warm colors, including red, orange and yellow are often linked with happiness, optimism and energy. But, too much yellow can be overwhelming and tends to reflect more light, possibly irritating a person’s eye.

And while red conveys a feeling of energy and excitement, too much of this hue and its color chart cousin orange can increase anxiety. When thinking about including these warm colors, try subtle accents for the best result.

Want to learn more about the best color scheme for your practice? Get our free Design Guide or visit the following: