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How LEDs Can Light Up Your Practice

Posted by: Del Younglas
Category: blog

Light Emitting Diode (LED) Lighting is a Truly Bright Idea

LED lighting is increasingly replacing halogen and incandescent lighting throughout modern medical offices. In addition to cost efficiency, versatility and safety, LED lighting technologies are leading the way forward in design options that allow for optimal customization of office spaces.

The knowledge and experience of Miller Builders can help simplify the process of choosing lighting installations by guiding you through the myriad of LED choices available to obtain the desired look and feel in your office. Here are some highlights of the advantages LED products offer:

Advantage #1: Superior Quality and Versatility

LED lights are a directional light source, which makes it possible for you to focus light exactly where you need it. Whether it is adequately lighting up a critical workstation or simply featuring specific aspects of your design, LEDs allow the freedom and flexibility to achieve the look you want.

In addition, LEDs have a high Color Rating Index (CRI) – the effectiveness of light to reveal the actual color of objects; a feature that can truly highlight your new space. Likewise, the wide range in size of LED products opens up numerous design opportunities that are unavailable when using traditional lighting products.

Take a look at how Miller Builders uses lighting throughout our medical office designs

Advantage #2: Cost Efficiency

LED lighting products produce light approximately 90% more efficiently than incandescent light bulbs, according to Energy Star. As a result, LEDs shine brighter with less wattage effectively lowering operational costs.

One of the biggest advantages is LEDs far superior lifespan compared to other traditional bulbs. With estimates upwards of 60,000-hours for an LED bulb versus a predicted 1,500-hour lifespan of a typical incandescent bulb, LEDs shatter the competition.

Advantage #3: Safety

At the end of the day, the health and safety of your patients and staff is paramount. LED products are setting a new standard in lighting safety due to the minimal heat generated during usage, with the ability to remain on for hours while staying cool to the touch keeping occupants safer and reducing the risk of a structure fire.

LED Lighting from W. J. Miller Buidlers, Cleveland, Ohio

Advantage #4: Eco-Friendly

For many, one of the best features of LED lighting is the fact they’re made from non-toxic materials. Traditional lighting options including fluorescent lights and mercury vapor lights require proper waste handling measures at the time of disposal. When the time does come to finally change out your LED bulbs, they can simply be recycled.

Energy efficient and with no end of useful-life waste handling constraints, LED lighting is an easy choice toward implementing “green” practices in your office space.

To plan your office design and lighting needs, get our free Design & Planning Guide and learn more about LED by visiting the following:

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